Spring 2025
"Student focused every day!"
Spring 2025 Schedule
Past Courses
My current research interest is numerical linear algebra for high-performance computing.
The specific focus is the design, analysis, implementation, and experimental evaluation of
software and algorithms that use mixed-precision arithmetic to address the fundamental
problem of solving systems of linear equations, $Ax = b$, that arise in a wide range of applications.
Mixed-precision (BibTeX)
Variable Compact Multipoint Method (BibTeX)
Selected Publications
Quinlan, J. and Omtzigt, E.T.L. (2024). Iterative Refinement with Mixed-Precision Posit Arithmetic. In: Michalewicz, M., Gustafson, J., De Silva, H. (eds) Next Generation Arithmetic. CoNGA 2024. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 14666.. Springer.
Quinlan, J and Edwards, M. T., (2024) On the Even Distribution of Odd Primes: An On-Ramp to Mathematical Research The Mathematics Enthusiast. Article 17, 21(1 & 2), 327 - 334.
Quinlan, J. (2023). Efficacy and Attitudes Towards Online Homework Systems in First-Semester Calculus. Ohio Journal of School Mathematics, 95(1), 26–31.
Omtzigt, E.T.L., and Quinlan, J. (2023). Universal Numbers Library: Multi-format Variable Precision Arithmetic Library. Journal of Open Source Software, 8(83), 5072, https://doi.org/10.21105/joss.05072
Omtzigt, E.T.L., and Quinlan, J. (2022). Universal: Reliable, Reproducible, and Energy-Efficient Numerics. In: Gustafson, J., Dimitrov, V. (eds) Next Generation Arithmetic. CoNGA 2022. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 13253. Springer.
Recent Presentations
Quinlan, J. (2024, April). Engaging Students in and out of the classroom. Department of Mathematical Sciences, Bentley University. Invited Talk.
Quinlan, J., & Omtzigt, E. T. L. (2024, Feburary). Low Precision Iterative Refinement. Conference on Next Generation Arithmetic (CoNGA'24). National Supercomputing Centre, Singapore.
Quinlan, J. (2023, November). After the Bell Rings: Engaging Students Outside the Classroom. Mathematics Association of America (MAA) Northeastern Section, Invited Talk for Distinguished University Teaching Award. Boston College, MA.
Chamberlain, D., & Quinlan, J. (2023, August). Technology Use in Undergraduate Mathematics Classrooms. Mathematics Association of America (MAA), Contributed Paper Session MathFest 2023. Tampa, FL.
Quinlan, J., & Omtzigt, E. T. L. (2023, June). Universal Numbers Library. MAA Northeastern Regional Conference, Fitchburg, MA.
Quinlan, J. (2023, March). Data Mining Methods for Improving Health Outcomes. MaineR Users Group. Northeastern University Roux Institute, Portland, Maine.
Omtzigt, E. T. L., & Quinlan, J. (2022, March). Universal: Reliable, Reproducible, and Energy-Efficient Numerics. Conference on Next Generation Arithmetic (CoNGA'22). Singapore, China.
- Lambers, J. V., Mooney, A. S., Montiforte, V. A., & Quinlan, J. (2024, forthcoming). Explorations in Numerical Analysis and Deep Learning with Julia. World Scientific.
Grant Funding & Activity
Principle Investigator (PI). GPU Workshop. Funded by the Northeastern Section of the Mathematical Association of America. ($750).
Principle Investigator (PI). S-STEM: Maine Algorithm for Success in Computing through Initiatives and Innovations (M-ASCII). National Science Foundation (NSF). Submitted 03/11/2024 ($1,947,488).
Innovative Teaching Grant (2023). Funded by the Center for Collaboration & Development. ($500).
Principle Investigator (PI).
Human Infrastructure Development for Mixed-precision Deep Learning (2023). Funded by the Maine Economic Improvement Fund (MEIF). ($9,500).
Principle Investigator (PI) Maine Mathematics and Science Scholars for School and University Collaboration Centered on Educating STEM Students (SUCCESS), Funded by National Science Foundation (NSF) Award #1259896 ($620,788).
Co-Principle Investigator (co-PI). NSF SUCCESS Support Grant. Funded by the Bangor Savings. ($3,000).
Co-Principle Investigator (co-PI). Decision Support Transformed: Integrating Patient Preferences with Clinical Evidence. Funded by the Office of Patient and Population Oriented Research (PPOR) ($6,678).
Principle Investigator (PI). The Nature of Software Utilization. University Funded Research Mini-Grant ($1,850).
Key Personnel / Consultant. Incorporating Patient Preferences into Decisions about Chronic Pain Management. Funded by Pfizer Independent Grants for Learning & Change ($748,500).
Distinguished Teaching Award (2023) - Mathematical Association of America (MAA) Northeastern Section. (See also: MAA Focus).
2010 Club Advisor of the Year For Dedication Teaching Beyond the Classroom
Nominated for the Deborah and Franklin Tepper Haimo Awards for Distinguished Teaching (Mathematical Association of America)
Resources and Links
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Last modified Tue Dec 24 2024 12:56:38 PM EST